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Thanks for working on this! All the finished pages have been linked on the main page.

I'm going to be out of town all week next week so I went ahead and added links to all the unfinished pages as well (all feats I think). Once those pages are created the links should start working. Just double check the link you create it at with the link on the main page. If it's created correctly the link should change from gray to gold-ish (whatever color most of the links on the main page are).

Alongside the other things to work on, I've decided to quickly take some time to add Siege Equipment and Poisons to the site, which are from the DMG, since I do believe that, while they are rare, they definitely fall under the range of player usable items in the same way wondrous items and such are

Siege equipment is complete, and at the exact moment of writing this I haven't started the poisons page.

Siege Equipment and Poisons by NCatNCat, 21 Jul 2022 13:22

Pretty cool to see that we might be getting a planescape book :)

Thanks for helping start the work Valkyria

Agent of Order:
Baleful Scion:

Re: Wonders of the Multiverse UA by NCatNCat, 21 Jul 2022 11:10

New UA so new content to add! I'll be adding links here as the pages are completed.

Glitchling -

Fate Domain -

Gate Warden -
Giant Foundling -
Planar Philosopher -
Rune Carver -

Agent of Order - Incomplete
Baleful Scion - Incomplete
Cartomancer - Incomplete
Cohort of Chaos - Incomplete
Ember of the Fire Giant (Revised) - Incomplete
Fury of the Frost Giant (Revised) - Incomplete
Guile of the Cloud Giant (Revised) - Incomplete
Keenness of the Stone Giant (Revised) - Incomplete
Outlands Envoy - Incomplete
Planar Wanderer - Incomplete
Righteous Heritor - Incomplete
Rune Carver Apprentice (Revised) -
Rune Carver Adept (Revised) - Incomplete
Scion of Elemental Air - Incomplete
Scion of Elemental Earth - Incomplete
Scion of Elemental Fire - Incomplete
Scion of Elemental Water - Incomplete
Scion of the Outer Planes -
Soul of the Storm Giant (Revised) - Incomplete
Strike of the Giants -
Vigor of the Hill Giant (Revised) - Incomplete

Antagonize -
House of Cards -
Spirit of Death -
Spray of Cards -
Summon Warrior Spirit -


I noticed a repeat in the description paragraph for Mace of Terror.

It says "Each creature of your choice in a 30-foot radius extending from you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for 1 minute. While it is frightened of you for 1 minute. While it is frightened in this way, a creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can […]"

Re: UA-work
NCatNCat 04 Jul 2022 16:50
in discussion Community / Open Topic » UA-work

Alright, thing to bring up.
So, along the way of double checking, ive mostly been ignoring subclasses and such that have similiarly named ones, however, today I made this page:, due to the fact that I feel that this UA version of Kensai is different enough from the print kensai to make it worth having a page for.

So, with that, I've decided ill probably give a double check over everything ive already checked to triple check, this time for how different a subclass is from ones we already have, since for an example we have on the website: Soulknife rogue. Soulknife UA, Soulknife UA revised, and Soulknife tasha's are all very similiar, but they are all different enough to warrent the seperate pages.

So yeah oops, there goes me having to recheck most things ough

Re: UA-work by NCatNCat, 04 Jul 2022 16:50

As of this post, it is showing 1 minute


Re: UA-work
NCatNCat 03 Jul 2022 06:59
in discussion Community / Open Topic » UA-work

Heres that UA quick characters:

Re: UA-work by NCatNCat, 03 Jul 2022 06:59
Re: UA-work
NCatNCat 01 Jul 2022 15:35
in discussion Community / Open Topic » UA-work

Lets see.

1. Thanks for putting Ambuscade up there
2. Ah, thanks for fixing up wild shape forms, yeah my coding continues to be rather rough, and I sometimes leave the tabs in when I transfer stuff in from the PDF's, ill make sure to avoid those being there in future.
3. Yeah, I think that would be good, having it as "Guided Character Creation"
4. I think just listing them in the same bullet points as the subclasses would be ok? Since, thats what is done for the rangers alternate versions of itself (with then its own subclasses dropped in in sub-bullet points)?

Thanks for helping with the code and frontpage Fred!

Re: UA-work by NCatNCat, 01 Jul 2022 15:35
Re: UA-work
Fredbob711Fredbob711 30 Jun 2022 13:15
in discussion Community / Open Topic » UA-work

So few things…

1. Ambuscade Ranger has been added to the archived UA section of the main page.
2. Wild Shape Forms, I renamed it slightly to druid:wild-shape-forms-ua and cleaned up the coding behind the scenes, had tabs everywhere instead of spaces lol
3. For the UA quick characters, we can certainly add that to the section for Heroic Chronicle, maybe rename that section to Guided Character Creation or something like that? What do you think?
4. I'm not sure if or where to add the Wild Shape Forms or UA Invocations on the main page. I'm hesitant to put them under the main class section, but the archived UA is mostly set up for subclasses, not class features. I'll think on that, see what I can come up with.

Thanks for all the work NCat!

Re: UA-work by Fredbob711Fredbob711, 30 Jun 2022 13:15
Re: UA-work
NCatNCat 30 Jun 2022 12:00
in discussion Community / Open Topic » UA-work

And from UA 23:Druid, heres a variant/optional rule to make druids learning wildshape forms have a bit more depth,

Id place it categorically along the same lines as the spellpoints rule, but, the Misc section is for published content, so where this would go is debatable

Re: UA-work by NCatNCat, 30 Jun 2022 12:00
Re: UA-work
NCatNCat 30 Jun 2022 11:42
in discussion Community / Open Topic » UA-work

For UA quick characters,, Ill leave this one as well for discussion, since I think maybe? we add it, since it fits sorta alongside what the heroic chronicle section is? Though, its not for backstory writing, just for straight character creation. Miscelanious section? Part of the UA section? Idunno, just putting it here to have it be something I can think about i guess

Re: UA-work by NCatNCat, 30 Jun 2022 11:42
Re: UA-work
NCatNCat 30 Jun 2022 11:34
in discussion Community / Open Topic » UA-work

Unearthed arcana 6: Ranger, which has the Ambuscade ranger, which is a sort of early attempt at the later on seen Revised ranger that we saw later on down the line, with a heavy emphasis on summons. Though, this was abandoned very early on, only ever getting up to level 5.

Re: UA-work by NCatNCat, 30 Jun 2022 11:34
Re: UA-work
NCatNCat 30 Jun 2022 10:57
in discussion Community / Open Topic » UA-work

Next up with things to add was UA4, waterborn adventures, which had the Krynn Minotaur, which is now on both the regular minotaur race page, and has a lineage page here:, which ill also throw onto the regular lineages page

Re: UA-work by NCatNCat, 30 Jun 2022 10:57
Re: UA-work
NCatNCat 30 Jun 2022 10:33
in discussion Community / Open Topic » UA-work

Thats the eldritch invocations complete. Ill leave discussion about whether to apply that to infusions to something ill think of a little later, or if anyone does bring up their own thoughts on it.

Re: UA-work by NCatNCat, 30 Jun 2022 10:33
NCatNCat 30 Jun 2022 07:44
in discussion Community / Open Topic » UA-work

Im mostly using this thread as a way to track progress as I go through each UA to ensure we have its contents up on the wikidot (thank you very much cotteneyenoh for the checklist <333, since yeah, I find having a discussion forum helps with me tracking my work.

First up out of order is UA warlock and wizard's Eldritch Invocations, which we dont have, despite having the ravenqueen warlock from said UA.

Though, I'm thinking with this, since there are about 60 Eldritch invocations at present on the wikidot, and there are 20+ invocations in this UA, that I feel I'm going to start by migrating the current UA invocations to a /warlock:eldritch-invocations-UA link, so as to better distinguish them, and then link the UA ones in the top of the warlock page, and then someone with front page perms can add them below the warlocks Archived UA section

edit: Oh! And this does actually open up the window to creating similiar pages for Homebrew invocations from the list of homebrew creators we list. Same goes infusions too I believe, meaning I might add an equivilant page, since I know that Exploring Ebberon had a couple of infusions in there

UA-work by NCatNCat, 30 Jun 2022 07:44
DMG Races
NCatNCat 27 Jun 2022 13:39
in discussion Community / Open Topic » DMG Races

With the work towards finalizing and front-page-ifying the new lineages pages, I got thinking towards something I loosely remembered, and, today had found it:

The DMG has in it, a bunch of additional, non standard races. These include things such as gnolls, zombies, skeletons and grimlocks.

So, I'm wondering what peoples thoughts are towards them, and whether they should be added.

On one opinion, they are listed as NPC races, and the book in discussing them describes them as intended to be used for DM's making NPC's (Some of the races on that same list already had player races, but the NPC race version of them exists as a simplified form of them). So, odds are these weren't really made with players in mind (and well, items such as the skeleton have stats such as +1+2-6-4-4 in their arrays)

On the other hand, the Oathbreaker Paladin and the Death Cleric are also DMG subclasses, and they are listed on the wikidot.

But then, against that argument, is the fact the DMG does go out of its way to discuss these races as player options

So yeah, I wanted to hear other people heres thoughts on it. Personally, on one hand, they are race options in an official WoTC book, but on the other, they most definitely do not feel like they are designed for players (as can tell with things like abilities that are +1 to hit all attacks, which work for NPCs, but not players), and they are also sorta hidden in the book.

If we did add them, I feel we'd need to go out of our way somewhere to point out that they would be very, very non standard, (probably more so than the homebrew we list on the wikidot even), since I feel theyd need a bit of context to explain them, and I wouldn't want to have a new player who uses the site use them without said knowledge

Plus, it does feel aimed at DMs, so it might not match the wikidots usual "player focused" attitude.

Yeah, that about sums it up for me. Just wanted to bring them up for the sake of discussion and so as that we were all aware of them if we were not already

Oh, if you want to take a look at the races yourself, they're on the table on page 282 of the DMG

DMG Races by NCatNCat, 27 Jun 2022 13:39

Minor note, but should the Verdan and the Owlin not be setting specific races, rather than exotic? Since the Verdan is of AqInc and the Owlin of strixhaven?

Re: Lineage Pages for MMotM by NCatNCat, 27 Jun 2022 06:11
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