Source: Exploring Ebberon

Aereni Elf

As an Aereni Elf, you were born into a world shaped by magic and honed by tradition. Whether you have a keen mind or are driven by deep faith, you've spent your youth perfecting one of the skills prized by your ancestors. When you choose the subrace of your elf, you can choose Aereni Elf, using the following rules to create your character.

Aereni Elf Traits

  • Ability Score Increase. Increase either your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1.
  • Aereni Expertise. Choose one skill or tool proficiency granted by your race, class or background. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make using this chosen proficiency.
  • Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from the cleric or wizard spell list. Your spellcasting ability depends on the class you chose: Wisdom for cleric or Intelligence for wizard.