Source: Exploring Ebberon

Ruinbound Dwarves

The Doldarun Dwarves say that any contact with the Realms Below corrupts the Mror. There's one recent development that supports their argument - the occasional birth of ruinbound dwarves among the Mror clans. The ruinbound dwarf is born with a personal symbiont - an unnatural entity bound to the child.

Ruinbound Dwarf Traits

  • Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1. While your symbiont is physically disturbing, you have a strong personality and a mysterious charm.
  • Personal Symbiont. You are bound to an alien entity. It's part of your body and can't be removed. Your symbiont possesses a minor supernatural ability, which it can use on your behalf.
    • Choose a cantrip from the following list: Acid Splash, Guidance (self only), Infestation, Light, Mage Hand, Poison Spray, Ray of Frost. As long as your personal symbiont is fully exposed, you can cast that cantrip. You can choose to conceal the symbiont, but you can only cast the cantrip you gain with this trait while it's exposed.
    • When you finish a long rest, you can mutate the symbiont, gaining different benefits when you do so, you can select a different cantrip from this list. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip.
    • Work with your DM to determine the appearance of your symbiont. It is organic and clearly alien, and when you cast a cantrip with this trait, it should be obvious that the symbiont is the source. A symbiont that casts Mage Hand could be a thin tentacle or an ectoplasmic insect that emerges from your body and performs the action. An eyestalk protruding from your shoulder could grant you Guidance as it studies the situation and telepathically advises you - or it might blast your enemies with a Ray of Frost. Infestation Could reflect a cloud of insects always hovering around you.
  • Symbiont Mastery. You can attune to one magic item that has the Symbiotic Nature property without using an attunement slot. In addition, after you finish a long rest, you can end your attunement to a magic item that has the Symbiotic Nature property.