I was wondering if there was a particular reason why monsters aren't available here? this would complete this perfect resource.
I believe the core reasons monsters haven't been added is that, the wikidot is (at least in my own eyes, others here might have a different input) designed with a player focus, rather than a DM one, so each resource here would be something a player might need to reference in game / use in character creation.
A majority of the time, monsters are going to be used by the DM, rather than the player (with the most probable exception of Druids and some spells)
Admittedly, it is a bit annoying to not have the animals you wish to wildshape/summon be available on the wikidot, but yeah…
Thats sorta the idea behind my own thinking. Though once again, others on the team might have different reasons
That's pretty much been my thought process NCat. I think this has been brought up before for various other DM-specific topics and we've always come to basically the same conclusion.