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Wikidot says Geas casting time is 1 action, when it is actually 10 mins
by: Flared9921Flared9921
01 Jan 2021 23:06
3 by Flared9921Flared9921
02 Jan 2021 13:31 Jump!
by: gyrannongyrannon
19 Dec 2020 17:59
2 by Fredbob711Fredbob711
19 Dec 2020 20:05 Jump!
Should we separate them into their own groups?
by: qorinthianqorinthian
17 Aug 2020 19:43
10 by Valkyria GreyValkyria Grey
12 Dec 2020 00:48 Jump!
PHB Ranger is notably missing from *everywhere* on the internet. Please add it.
by: PHBRangerisGoodPHBRangerisGood
05 Sep 2020 05:21
10 by qorinthianqorinthian
07 Dec 2020 16:11 Jump!
Incomplete section of stat block?
by: Out of TimeOut of Time
03 Dec 2020 06:29
2 by Fredbob711Fredbob711
03 Dec 2020 13:31 Jump!
The topic links seem to be going to the wrong sections
by: ToastghoastToastghoast
24 Aug 2020 11:03
3 by Fredbob711Fredbob711
27 Nov 2020 13:16 Jump!
by: PuffingtonPuffington
24 Nov 2020 01:46
2 by cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
24 Nov 2020 05:14 Jump!
What do with UA that has been updated with a new version, converted to published content and UA that is old enough that it will likely never be published.
by: Fredbob711Fredbob711
23 Nov 2020 20:59
3 by cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
24 Nov 2020 05:12 Jump!
Current entry uses UA material instead of original RAW
by: nolexus02nolexus02
27 Mar 2020 00:25
3 by Out of TimeOut of Time
24 Nov 2020 03:25 Jump!
by: OMGZpeanutbutterOMGZpeanutbutter
25 Oct 2018 13:07
3 by Out of TimeOut of Time
24 Nov 2020 02:59 Jump!
9th level spell is wrong
by: merwinimerwini
23 Nov 2020 03:24
2 by Fredbob711Fredbob711
23 Nov 2020 14:28 Jump!
by: merwinimerwini
23 Nov 2020 04:07
3 by Fredbob711Fredbob711
23 Nov 2020 14:27 Jump!
The Grung race is missing an ability and has one language too much
by: NoahalbNoahalb
23 Oct 2020 09:38
2 by cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
21 Nov 2020 07:09 Jump!
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