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by: Toksy3Toksy3
09 Feb 2022 07:00
3 by cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
09 Feb 2022 17:24 Jump!
The third Critical Role sourcebook came out
by: Dr BenjiDr Benji
08 Feb 2022 02:31
12 by cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
17 Mar 2022 02:08 Jump!
by: Fredbob711Fredbob711
04 Feb 2022 19:16
13 by Out of TimeOut of Time
26 Feb 2022 20:28 Jump!
The Siren race from Planeshift: Ixalan is missing!!
by: snowynyasnowynya
22 Jan 2022 14:44
5 by Fredbob711Fredbob711
01 Feb 2022 21:29 Jump!
Wrong URL for Thunderwave in the Boon of the Stormborn description
by: Oracle-RavenOracle-Raven
18 Jan 2022 03:58
2 by cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
19 Jan 2022 14:21 Jump!
by: DerbyDDerbyD
18 Jan 2022 00:30
3 by DerbyDDerbyD
20 Jan 2022 00:35 Jump!
Minor Conjuration (p. 116) description changed
by: Oracle-RavenOracle-Raven
10 Jan 2022 04:10
2 by cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
12 Jan 2022 14:45 Jump!
Content to be added from the newest release
by: Valkyria GreyValkyria Grey
29 Dec 2021 00:31
6 by Fredbob711Fredbob711
05 Jan 2022 21:04 Jump!
by: Fredbob711Fredbob711
16 Dec 2021 21:09
2 by NCatNCat
21 Dec 2021 15:36 Jump!
Wondering if anyone could or will eventually work on adding a page with monsters stat blocks?
by: MegananiumMegananium
14 Dec 2021 15:15
4 by NCatNCat
15 Dec 2021 08:23 Jump!
Should the wikidot make better effort to distinguish between content from standard sources and setting specific sources
by: NCatNCat
08 Dec 2021 10:23
14 by cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
21 Dec 2021 02:02 Jump!
by: Chaz HodgeChaz Hodge
04 Dec 2021 21:49
3 by NCatNCat
06 Dec 2021 05:55 Jump!
I made a page for Tools (both PHB and XGE stuff)
by: cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
03 Dec 2021 02:05
2 by cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
19 Jan 2022 20:55 Jump!
The Armorer subclass page is missing a feature
by: Oracle-RavenOracle-Raven
26 Nov 2021 23:57
4 by Fredbob711Fredbob711
29 Nov 2021 14:17 Jump!
I'm gonna add the last backgrounds we don't already have (State of Hillsfar and Acquisitions Inc)
by: cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
21 Nov 2021 02:27
3 by Fredbob711Fredbob711
13 Dec 2021 20:52 Jump!
Found an URL typo on the Armorer page
by: Oracle-RavenOracle-Raven
11 Nov 2021 22:20
2 by NCatNCat
11 Nov 2021 23:08 Jump!
by: NCatNCat
11 Nov 2021 04:20
10 by Fredbob711Fredbob711
16 Nov 2021 04:00 Jump!
Mass healing word in Bard spell list
by: flyingssquirelflyingssquirel
03 Nov 2021 02:23
3 by flyingssquirelflyingssquirel
05 Nov 2021 17:00 Jump!
by: NCatNCat
02 Nov 2021 12:06
The shifter page has the languages of the kalashtar race instead.
by: CowboyJonesCowboyJones
01 Nov 2021 14:04
2 by cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
02 Nov 2021 15:33 Jump!