The prospect of immense wealth is the promise of membership in the Orzhov Syndicate. All of the guild's endeavors channel wealth from Ravnican society into the ranks of the Orzhov - and concentrates the spoils at the top of the hierarchy. As a functionary in that system, your best hope is to claim as much as possible of the money that passes through your hands on its way up, so that you can work your way into a more prominent position.

Regardless of your past and the wealth of your family, your initial status with the guild is near the bottom, until you have proven your value.

Source: Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica

Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Religion
Languages: Two of your choice
Equipment: An Orzhov insignia, a foot-long chain made of ten gold coins, vestmentsValue:0 Weight:0, a set of fine clothesValue:15gp Weight:6lbs, and a pouchValue:5sp Weight:1lb containing 1pp (an Orzhov-minted 10-zino coin)



You can exert leverage over one or more individuals below you in the guild's hierarchy and demand their help as needs warrant. For example, you can have a message carried across a neighborhood, procure a short carriage ride without paying, or have others clean up a bloody mess you left in an alley. The DM decides if your demands are reasonable and if there are subordinates available to fulfill them. As your status in the guild improves, you gain influence over more people, including ones in greater positions of power.

Orzhov Guild Spells

Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature

For you, the spells on the Orzhov Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.)

Orzhov Guild Spells

Spell Level Spell
Cantrip Friends, Guidance
1st Command, Illusory Script
2nd Enthrall, Ray of Enfeeblement, Zone of Truth
3rd Bestow Curse, Speak With Dead, Spirit Guiardians
4th Blight, Death Ward, Leomund's Secret Chest
5th Geas

Your magic tends to manifest as swirling shadows, brilliant light, or sometimes the momentary appearance of shadowy spirit forms. Your spells might draw the blood of your enemies, or even directly touch their souls.

Suggested Characteristics

Members of the Orzhov Syndicate range from the decadent nobility at the top of the oligarchy to the debt-ridden wretches at the bottom. You fall somewhere between those extremes, so you might behave with the arrogance of the very rich or the humility of the impoverished.

Personality Traits

d8 Personality Trait
1 I am always willing to act in accordance with the financial incentive offered.
2 Debts are never meant to be forgiven.
3 I am accustomed to enjoying the finest pleasures money can buy.
4 No one could doubt that I am a cut above the masses of pitiful peasants that infest the city.
5 I can't stand to spend a zib more than necessary to purchase what I need.
6 I hate it when people try to make light of a serious situation.
7 I want to make sure everyone is aware of how wealthy, powerful, and important I am.
8 I can't think of anything to look forward to.


d6 Ideal
1 Guild. My guild is all that really matters. (Any)
2 Wealth. I will do whatever it takes to become as rich as the oligarchs. (Evil)
3 Power. One day, I will be the one giving orders. (Evil)
4 Prestige. I want to be admired, respected, feared, or even hated for my position and wealth. (Evil)
5 Stability. The economy functions best when chaos is kept under control and everyone knows their place. (Lawful)
6 Eternity. I want to live forever - in the flesh as long as possible, and as a spirit afterward. (Any)


d6 Bond
1 The unbearable weight of my debt has driven me to desperation.
2 I'm duty-bound to obey the dictates of an ancestor on the Ghost Council.
3 I value my worldly goods more highly than my mortal life.
4 An oligarch publicly humiliated me, and I will exact revenge on that whole family.
5 My faith in the Obzedat never wavers.
6 I want to prove myself more worthy than an older sibling and thereby ensure that I inherit a greater share of my parents' wealth.


d6 Flaw
1 I hold a scandalous secret that could ruin my family forever - but could also earn me the favor of the Ghost Council.
2 I'm convinced that everyone I know is plotting against me.
3 I'll brave any risk if the monetary reward is great enough.
4 I am convinced that I am far more important than anyone else is willing to acknowledge.
5 I have little respect for anyone who isn't wealthy.
6 I'll take any opportunity to steal from wealthier people, even for worthless trinkets.


The Orzhov Syndicate operates according to a strict hierarchy built on a network of connections among old, wealthy families. Your family might provide important contacts, while your family's activities in crime, banking, or debt collection could tie you to members of other guilds.

Roll twice on the Orzhov Contacts table (for an ally and a rival) and once on the Non-Orzhov Contacts table.

Orzhov Contacts

d8 Contact
1 The spirit of an ancestor has taken an interest in me.
2 An older cousin has the ear of a powerful oligarch.
3 I know a knight who is responsible for collecting debts from powerful people.
4 A vampire pontiff tried to use me as a pawn in past schemes.
5 A silent spirit follows me around.
6 A sibling has keys to parts of Vizkopa Bank.
7 A giant thinks I'm adorable.
8 I regularly offer tribute to an angel, and the angel has been kind to me in turn.

Non-Orzhov Contacts

d10 Contact
1 An Azorius arrester is always snooping into my family's business transactions.
2 A Boros paladin saved my life, to my everlasting shame.
3 I know a shopkeeper who is secretly a Dimir agent and tries to make sure that I keep that secret hidden.
4 I'm fascinated by the culture of the Golgari kraul, and I have formed a friendship with one of their death priests.
5 A Gruul druid hates me but would never dare to touch me.
6 I know an Izzet engineer who is desperate to pay off a debt accrued by a deceased relative.
7 Roll an additional Orzhov contact; you can decide if the contact is an ally or a rival.
8 My childhood friend is now a Rakdos torturer. We still meet for drinks occasionally.
9 I have the key to a vault where a Selesnya druid is hiding an item of secret shame.
10 I was married to a Simic bioengineer.